Beginning with the July-August 2012 issue "The American Baha'i" will be provided on the National Library Service (NLS) flash cartridge only. If you would like to receive your issue as a download rather than the cartridge, please let us know. There is no charge for this service. This service is only available to Bahá'ís who are living in the continental United States.
If you wish to receive "The American Bahá'í" you may e-mail us with your request at: You must provide us with: name, address, phone number, and Bahá'í ID number. Please put "American Baha'i" in your subject line.
The Flash Drive Cartridge requires the new National Library Service (NLS) cartridge player. See at the beginning of the "Audio Books and Talks" section for information about the NLS cartridge player. If you receive "The American Baha'i" as a download, you can load it on a flash drive which will play through the USB port on your NLS cartirdge player.
See the list of "audio recordings" for a further explanation and information about obtaining the NLS cartridge player.
Also note: there is an online edition of "The American Baha'i" available for Baha'is at
You will need to sign in with your Baha'i ID number.