Braille Titles
(Last update: February 8, 2025)
BANA (Braille Authority of North America) has voted to replace the English Braille American Edition (AB) with the Unified English Braille (UEB). This will align the United States with England, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Nigeria in the Braille code being used.
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Below is a listing of all books alphabetically by title. Children - Youth and Non-English titles are given separately at the end of the list.
BP = Bahá'í Publishing
BPT = Bahá'í Publishing Trust
BWC = Bahá'í World Centre
G. Ronald Pub. or GR = George Ronald, Publisher
The National Assembly is subsidizing the cost of Ruhi Books to keep the price on par with the cost of the print books.
Abdu'l-Bahá: Centre of the Covenant of Bahá'u'lláh. H.M. Balyuzi,
G. Ronald Pub. 1971,
9 vols. 1078 pages, Code: UEB-20189 $70.25
Abdu'l-Bahá in London, Addresses & Notes of Conversations. BPT-UK
revised 1987,
2 vols., 152 pages, Code: UEB-201323 $10.75
Abraham: One God, Three Wives, Five Religions. Frances Worthington,
BP 2011, A groundbreaking examination of Abraham and the following
5 vols., 450 pages, Code: UEB-201334 $27.00
Advent of Divine Justice. Shoghi Effendi, BPT 2006,
with paragraph reference numbers
2 vols., 227 pages, Code: UEB-201322 $13.75
Afraid to Speak against Moses, Sinlessness in Bahá'í-Christian Dialog.
Gary Matthews,
49 pages, Code: UEB-20135, $5.00
Advancement of Women: A Baha'i Perspective, BP 2003, Janet & Peter Khan,
6 vols, 623 pages, Code: UEB-202417 $35.50
America's Challenge. (NTC pamphlet) 10 pages, Code: AB-919 $3.75
Ascent of Society, The: The Social Imperative in Personal Salvation.
John S. Hatcher, Bahá'í Publishing 2007, A good discussion of the
principles and teachings of the Bahá'í Faith and the relationship of the
individual's spiritual growth to Society's growth,
6 vols, 697 pages, Code: UEB-201715 $38.50
Avatar and Incarnation: The Divine in Human Form in the World's Religions.
Geoffrey Parrinder, One World Publications 1997, A discussion and
comparison of Avatars in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism; also
Incarnation in Christianity and these concepts as it relates to Islam,
6 vols 626 pages, Code: UEB-20228 $35.50
Báb, The. H. M. Balyuzi, G. Ronald Pub. 1973, The story of the Báb,
4 vols. 518 pages Code: UEB-20177 $28.50
Bahá'í Administration. BPT 1968 edition, letters of Shoghi Effendi,
4 vols., 460 pages, Code: UEB-201911 $26.00
Bahá’í Faith, The. 1989, introductory book, Mary Perkins & Philip Hainsworth,
2 vols 187 pages , Code: UEB-20195 $12.00
Bahá’í Faith, The: Emerging Global Religion. W. Hatcher & J. D. Martin,
BP 2002, Excellent introduction to the Bahá’í Faith,
5 vols. 594 pages, Code: UEB-201713 $33.00
Bahá’í Faith: An Introduction. G. Faizi,
2 vols. 166 pages, Code: UEB-20219 $11.25
Bahá’í Faith and Mormonism: A Preliminary Survey. Wm. Collins,
World Order Magazine, Fall 1980/Winter 1981, A discussion of basic
Mormon doctrine and Baha'i teachings related to that.
59 pages, Code: UEB-201714 $5.50
Bahá’í Faith. The: Sect or Religion? Bahá’í Studies # 16. Udo Schaefer,
Assoc. of Bahá’í Studies 1988,
94 pages, Code: UEB-201616 $7.00
Bahá’í Proofs, The; and A Short Sketch of the History and Lives of
the Leaders of This Religion. Mirza Abu'l-Fadl, BPT-1983 produced
facsimile of the 1929 book.
5 vols, 516 pages, Code: UEB-201515 $29.75
Bahá'í Prayers, BPT 2019, a collection of 24 prayers, ideal to give to seekers or
friends, similar to Communion With God but with more prayers.
26 pages, Code: UEB-202023 $4.00
Bahá'í Prayers-A Compilation; A special one volume prayer book produced by
the Bahá'í Service for the Blind compiling a selection of prayers from most
sections of the full prayer book. Perfect when traveling, for attending
meetings, etc.
109 pages, Code: UEB-202024 $7.50
Bahá'í Prayers: A Selection of Prayers Revealed by Bahá'u'lláh,
The Báb & Abdu'l-Bahá. BPT 2002,
3 vols. 346 pages, Code: UEB-20157 $20.00
Bahá'í: World Faith for Modern Man. A. Dahl, BPT reprint 1978,
29 pages, Code: UEB-20214 $4.25
Bahá'u'lláh. H.M. Balyuzi, G. Ronald Pub. 1963, A brief life, followed by an
essay entitled: "The Word Made Flesh",
2 vols. 232 pages, Code: UEB-20188 $14.75
Bahá'u'lláh, A Brief Introduction to His Life and Work. 1991 BIC,
105 pages; Code: UEB-20136 $7.25
Bahá'u'lláh, The King of Glory. H. M. Balyuzi, G. Ronald Pub. 1980,
Detailed historical account of the life of Bahá'u'lláh and events during His life,
10 vols 1210 pages, Code: UEB-201715 $66.50
Bahá'u'lláh and the New Era. J. E. Esselemont, 2006 edition, Classic textbook
introduction to the Bahá'í Faith,
5 vols., 606 pages, Code: UEB-20234 $33.25
Bahá'u'lláh's Teachings on Spiritual Reality. Palabra Pub. 1996,
A Compilation of Extracts
3 vols., 326 pages, Code: UEB-20203 $19.00
Becoming Your True Self. D. Jordan, pages 34, UEB-20215, $4.50
Beyond National Sovereignty.(NTC pamphlet) 11 pages
Code: UEB-20216 $3.75
Breezes of Confirmation. Development Learning Press 2006, workbook for
junior youth at entry level age 11 or 15
1 vol. 92 pages, Code: UEB-20143 $5.00
Bridge to Global Goverance: Tackling Climate Change, Energy
Distribution and Nuclear Proliferation. Sovaida Ma'ani Ewing, Center for
Peace & Global Goverance, 2018
4 vols, 490 pages, Code: UEB-202216 $27.75
Buddhism and the Bahá'í Faith. Daniel Conner, Article from World Order
32 pages, Code: UEB-20217 $4.25
Buddhism and the Bahá'í Faith. Moojan Momen, GR 1955
2 vols. 230 pages, Code: UEB-20244 $13.75
Call of the Divine Beloved, The; Selected Mystical Works of Bahá'u'lláh,
BWC 2018 Contains the new translations of The Seven Valleys, The Four
Valleys and several other Tablets.
1 vol. 110 pages, Code: UEB-20193 $7.50
Century of Light. a publicaton of the UHJ 2001, An invaluable tool for
understanding the current events of today and the role Bahá'ís of the world
must play,
3 vols, 319 pages Code: UEB-201336 $19.00
Chosen Highway, The. Lady Blomfield, G. Ronald reprint 2007, History of the
early years of the Faith told through recollections and early documents,
4 vols, 474 pages, Code UEB-201518 $26.50
Christ's Promise Fulfilled: Excerpts from Some Answered Questions.
BPT 1977, 95 pages, Code: UEB-201914 $7.00
Citadel of Faith, Messages to America 1947-1957. Shoghi Effendi,
BPT reprint 1995, 4 vols. 409 pages Code: UEB-201519 $24.00
Close Connections: The Bridge between Spiritual and Physical Reality.
John S. Hatcher, BP 2005, Is consciouness a product of the soul or an illusion
the brain creates? Has creation always existed? Is the universe infinite or a
finite "closed" system? Hatcher employs axioms drawn from the Bahá’í Faith
for probing answers to these and other questions.
6 vols. 633 pages, Code: UEB 201333 $34.50
Closer Look: Reading the Qur'an for Central Meanings. Dr. A. Monjazeb,
85 pages, Code: UEB-201331 $6.50
Concept of Manifestation in the Bahá'í Writings, The, Bahá'í Studies #9.
J. R. Cole, Association for Bahá'í Studies 1982, A scholarly study of the
concept of manifestation,
2 vols., 145 pages, Code: UEB-201726 $10.50
Concept of Spirituality, The, Bahá'í Studies #11. Wm. S. Hatcher,
Association for Bahá'í Studies 1982, Definition & dynamics of spirituality
in the Bahá'í Faith,
2 vols., 157 pages Code: UEB-20183 $11.00
Constitution of the Universal House of Justice. Bahá'í World Centre 1972,
32 pages, Code: UEB-20142 $4.50
Consultation. (from Compilation of Compilations), 45 pp,
Code: UEB-20187 $5.00
Corinne True: Faithful Handmaid of Abdu'l-Baha, Nathan Rutstein, GR 1987,
Biography of Corinne True giving a excellent view of the early Baha'i
community in North America.
4 vols. 533 pages Code: UEB-202322 $29.00
Covenant of Bahá'u'lláh, Adib Taherzadeh, GR 1992, A scholarly survey of
information about the Covenant and history.
12 volumes 1319 pages, UEB-20235 $72.25
Creative Demensions of Suffering, A-M. Ghadirian M.D., BP 2009,
Considering the meaning of suffering frrom the principles of the teaching of
the Bahá'í Faith.
4 vols. 385 pages, UEB-202321 $23.50
Cry from the Heart, A: The Baha'is in Iran; GR 1982, Wm. Sears, A recounting
of the persecutions of the Baha'is in Iran.
4 vols. 366 pages, UEB-20242 $23.00
Dark Side of the Mood: A Journey Through Bipolar Disorder to Recovery
Sheri Medford, BP 2014
3 volumes 258 pages Code: 202318
Dawn-Breakers, The, Nabil’s Narrative of the Early Days of the Bahá'í
Revelation. BPT 1996 reprint,
15 vols. 1633 pages Code: UEB-20241 $88.00
- French Footnotes, Translation of the. (in The Dawn-Breakers),
E. Perigord, BPT 1973,
2 vols. 196 pages, Code: AB-5004 $12.50
Days of Remembrance: Selections from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh for
Bahá'í Holy Days. BWC 2016
3 vols., 310 pages, Code: UEB-201710 $18.50
Divine Art of Living: Selections from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh,
The Báb & Abdu'l-Bahá. BP 2006,
3 vols., 341 pages, Code: UEB-202412 $19.75
Divine Art of Meditation, The: Meditation and Visualization Techniques
for a Healthy Mind, Body and Soul. Farnaz Masumian, G. Ronald Pub.
2014, Looks at benefits of meditation, presents various forms of it and offers
suggestions for meditational practices.
3 vols., 3 pages, Code: UEB-201721 $21.00
Divine Therapy: Pearls of Wisdom from the Baha'i Writings,
Annamarie Honnold, GR Pub 1986, A compilation of excerpts from the
Bahá'í Writings concerning different topics.
4 vols., 371 pages Code: UEB-202329 $22.50
Divorce, Extracts from the Bahá'í Teachings Discouraging.
from The Compilation of Compilations, Bahá'í Publications Australia
26 pages, Code: UEB-20149 $4.25
Divine Therapy: Pearls of Wisdom from the Baha'i Writings, compiled by
Annamarie Honnold, GR Pub 1986,
4 vols. 371 pages Code: UEB-2023-29 $22.50
Does God Hear My Prayer?. A. Gold, Six Lights Paths Pub. 2005, ages 2 & up,
Beautiful poetic explanation of prayer,
8 pages, Code: UEB-201823 $3.25
Dragons of Rizvania. Carol Handy, G. Ronald Pub., Dragons are ravaging the
land, and it is up to Prince Khan to deal with them. In overcoming the dragons,
he learns about the qualities needed in a truce citizen of Rizvania. grades 4-6
71 pages, Code: UEB-201512 $6.00
Drawing on the Power of the Word. Ruhi Foundation, Development Learning
Press 2003, workbook for 14 year olds,
2 vols 157 pages, Code: UEB-201412 $5.00
Edward Granville Browne and the Bahá'í Faith. H. M. Balyuzi,
G. Ronald Pub. 1970, A presentation of E. G. Browne and his studies of the
Bábí and Bahá'í Faith;
4 vols, 370 pages Code: UEB-202110 $22.50
Enoch Olinga, Knight of Baha'u'llah, Hand of the Cause: BP Agency-Nairobi 2001, Ruhiyyih Rabbani & R. Mustapha, memorials & memories
2 vols 180 pages Code: UEB-202324 $11.75
Epistle to the Son of the Wolf. Bahá'u'lláh, BPT 1988,
3 vols., 287 pages, Code: UEB-201324 $17.50
Eternal Beloved: Prayers of Abdu'l-Bahá, BPT 2021, 26 prayers
56 pages Code: UEB-202115 $4.50
Excellence in All Things. UHJ compilation, BPT-UK 1981,
40 pages Code: UEB-201410 $4.75
FACE OF GOD AMONG US, THE: How the Creator Educates Humanity.
John S. Hatcher, Bahá’í Publishing, 2010, A fresh perspective on religious
history that explores the Prophets of the past & offers new insight into the
relationship between God & humankind, & the nature of the Manifestations
5 vols., 609 pages, Code: UEB-20169 $33.50
Flame of Fire, A: The Story of the Tablet of Ahmad. A. Q. Faizi,
31 pages Code: UEB-201813 $4.25
Forces of Our Time: The Dynamics of Light & Darkness. Hooper Dunbar,
G. Ronald Pub. 2009,
3 vols 344 pages, Code: UEB-201342 $20.00
Foundations of World Unity. compiled from addresses & tablets of Abdu'l-Bahá,
BPT 1968,
2 vols., 236 pages, Code: AB-57 $14.00
Gems of Divine Mysteries. Bahá'u'lláh, BWC 2002
88 pages, Code: UEB-201312 $6.50
Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh. Bahá'u'lláh, Bahá'í Pub. 2005,
with reference numbers, A compilation of passages that sets out the Bahá'í
teachings on a myriad of subjects
4 vols., 536 pages, Code: UEB-201338 $29.00
God Loves Laughter. William Sears, GR Pub. 1974, Narrative of Bill Sears'
early life & discovery of Baha'i Faith.
3 vols, 292 pages, Code: UEB-20248 $17.75
God Passes By. Shoghi Effendi, BPT 1987, Shoghi Effendi's definitive survey
of the "outstanding events" of the Baha'i Revelation's first century 1844-1944
10 vols., 1098 pages, Code: UEB-201819 $60.50
God Speaks Again: An Introduction to the Bahá'í Faith. Ken Bowers,
Bahá'í Pub. 2004,
6 vols 637 pages, Code: UEB-201341 $37.50
God's Plan for Planet Earth and Your Neighborhood, John Hatcher,
Bahá'í Pub. Hatcher traces the progress of changes in the development in
the Cause of God & analyzes the foundation being built for the future by the
5 vols., 586 pages Code UEB-20249 $32.50
Greatest Name, The. a brief explanation of its meaning,
8 pages, Code: UEB-201413 $3.50
Half of It Was Never Told, The; Carolyn S. Fox, G. Ronald Pub. 2015,
The three men featured in this book lived on three different continents,
and although they never met, two of them came tantalizingly close when
their paths crossed in the Middle East. William Miller, Joseph Wolff and
Mulla Husayn were their names.
4 vols. 404 pages Code: UEB-202319 $24.50
Healing Racism in America: A Prescription for the Disease. Nathan Rutstein, Whitcomb Publishing 1993,
3 volumes 354 pages, Code: UEB-201617 $20.25
He Loved and Served: The Story of Curtis Kelsey. Nathan Rutstein,
G. Ronald Pub. 1982
3 volumes 284 pages, Code: UEB-2017-20 $17.50
Heritage of Light: The Spiritual Destiny of America, Janet E. Khan,
Bahá'í Pub. 2009, Exploriation of historical and spiritual connections linking
early American Baha'is to Iran & examination of Baha'i writings along with
historical records.
6 vols, 704 pages Code: UEB-202416 $38.75
Heroic Female Spirit, The: A Collection of Tales. Phyllis K. Peterson, Bahá'í
Pub. 2006, appeals to all ages, each tale shows a young woman making a
difference by acting fearlessly to improve the world around her,
2 vols 209 pages, Code: UEB-20177 $13.00
Hidden Words of Bahá'u'lláh. Bahá'u'lláh, BPT reprint 1982
51 pages, Code: UEB-201313 $5.25
High Endeavours: Shoghi Effendi, Messages to Alaska. NSA Alaska 1976,
2 vols. 170 pages, Code: UEB-201520 $11.25
Human Temple, The; DL Publiciones 2012, workbook for junior youth at
entry level age 11 or 15
90 pages Code: UEB 20209 $6.75
Huqúqu’lláh. UHJ compilation, BPT April 2007, compilation about the
Law of Huququ'llah
110 pages, Code: UEB-201717 $7.75
Importance of Prayer, Meditation and the Devotional Attitude.
(a compilation) from The Compilation of Compilations, Bahá'í Publications
43 pages, Code: UEB-20144 $4.75
In Galilee - In Wonderland. T. Chase; A. Agnew, Kalimat Press 1985,
102 pages, Code: UEB-202111 Library only
Initial Impulse-1st Branch Course Bk 5 see Ruhi Book 5
In the Glory of the Father: The Baha'i Faith & Christianity. Brian Lepard,
Bahá'í Pub. 2008, aimed at Christian readers who have heard of the Bahá'í
Faith and are interested in learning more about the relationship of the
teachings of the two Faiths, a strong emphasis on biblical passages.
4 vols 420 pages Code: UEB-20175 $24.50
Individual Rights and Freedoms in the World Order of Bahá'u'lláh:
To the Followers of Baha'u'llah in the U.S. A Statement of the UHJ,
41 pages, Code: UEB-20138 $4.75
Individual and Teaching, The. compilation, Research Dept. of UHJ, BPT 1977
77 pages, Code: UEB-20146 $6.25
It's Not Your Fault: How Healing Relationships Change Your Brain & Can
Help You Overcome a Painful Past. Patricia R. McGraw, Ph.D.,
Baha'i Pub. 2004,
3 vols 377 pages, Code: UEB-20181 $21.25
Journey of Courage, A: From Disability to Spiritual Ability, NSA of Australia,
a compilation
2 vols. 166 pages, Code: UEB20236 $11.25
Journey of Sorrow Journey of Hope. Carole Handy, BP - 2014, a novel of
Bahá'í related people & events from Persian to Russia to Paris.
6 vols, 693 pages Code: UEB-20246 $38.25
Journey of the Soul, The: Life Death & Immortality, Baha’i Pub. 2006,
a compilation
3 vols. 306 pages, Code: UEB-20232 $18.75
Khadijih Bagum, Wife of the Báb. H. M. Balyuzi, G. Ronald Pub. 1981,
50 pages, Code: UEB-201327 $5.00
Kitáb-i-Aqdas (The Most Holy Book). Bahá'u'lláh, BWC 1992
4 vols., 542 pages, Code: UEB-201417 $29.25
Kitáb-i-Íqán (Book of Certitude). Bahá'u'lláh, Bahá'í Pub. 2003 with
reference numbers
3 vols., 343 pages, Code: UEB-20158 $19.75
Learning About Excellence, DL Publiciones 2017, Workbook for junior youth
at entry level age 11 or 12
97 pages UEB-202010 $4.00
Life at First Sight: Finding the Divine in the Details, Phyllis Edgerly Ring
Bahá'í P-2009, A collection of personal essays on everyday life.
4 vols. 367 pages, Code: UEB-202415 $22.25
Life of Thomas Breakwell, The. R. Lakshman-Lapain, BPT-UK 1998,
a short but informative booklet,
67 pages, Code: UEB-20198 $5.75
Light After Death. by Alan Bryson, New Dawn Press Inc. 2004,
An examination of Near-Death-Experiences with the Writings & Teachings of
the Baha'i Faith,
2 vols, 181 pages; Code: UEB-20134 $12.25
Light of the World: Selected Tablets of Abdu'l-Baha,
Bahá'í World Centre, 2021
3 vols. 316 pages, Code: UEB-202114 $18.75
Light World, The. Heather Niderost, Bahá'í Canada Pub. 1990, The accidental
death of her 10 year-old son inspired her to write a book explaining death and
the nature of the soul as expressed thru her son from the next world, for
grade 2 and up (great for adults too),
34 pages, Code: UEB-201422 $4.50
Manifestation - Not Incarnation. [booklet-pamphlet]
26 pages, Code: UEB-201828 $4.25
Master in Akka, The. Myron H. Phelps; including the recollections of The
Greatest Holy Leaf, Kalimat Press 1985, a reprint of the first 6 chapters of
Phelps 1903 book Life & Teachings of Abbas Effendi; also a foreword by
Marzieh Gail provides a broad picture of the historical circumstances about
Phelps visit to Akka.
2 vols., 203 pages, Code: UEB-201610 Library only
Memorials of the Faithful. Abdu'l-Bahá, BPT 1971
3 vols 334 pages, Code: UEB-201414 $19.50
Meeting with Shoghi Effendi, A. Marcus Bach, OneWorld Pub. 1993
63 pages, Code: UEB-202112 $5.50
Messages from the UHJ 1965-1986: The Third Epoch of the Formative Age,
20 volumes, 2155 pages, Code: UEB-202331 $126.00
Metropolis of Satan, The. G. Matthews, Stonehaven Press, 1988,
112 pages, Code: UEB-201817 $7.50
Milly: A Tribute to Amelia E. Collins. A. Q. Faizi, G. Ronald Pub. 1977,
61 pages Code: UEB-20237 $5.50
Miracles & Metaphors. Mirza Abdu'l-Fadl Gulpaygani, translated by Juan R.
Cole, Kalimat Press 1981; In a collection of essays Mirza Abdu'l-Fadl
approaches significant religious & metaphysical topics with freshness &
335 pages, 3 volumes Code: UEB 201615 Library loan only
Mulla Husayn, Disciple at Dawn. R. Mehrabkhani, Kalimat Press 1987
The first full-length biography of Mulla Husayn. The author has collected
information from a number of sources. He is careful to provide an
explanation of cultural context.
375 pages, 4 vols. Code: UEB-202419 $22.50
Music. from The Compilation of Compilations, Bahá'í Publications Australia,
Revised 1990
26 pages, Code: UEB-20148 $4.25
My Memories of Baha'u'llah, Ustad Muhammad-Aliy-i-Salmani, the Barber
with a selection of his poems. Kalimat Press 1982
186 pages, 2 vols. Code UEB-202420 Library only
Nabil's Narrative - Abridged, Zena Sorabjee, BPT India 1989. A condensed form of The Dawn-Breakers with only few footnotes.
3 vols, 270 pages Code: 20227 $17.00
The Nine Year Plan 2022-2031, Messages from the UHJ, Palabra Pub. 2022
includes the Dec 30. 2021 letter to the Continental Board
123 pages, Code: UEB 20221 $8.00
Oberservation & Insight, DL Publiciones 2019, workbook for junior youth at
entry level age 11 or 15
94 pages Code: UEB 20207 $6.75
Olinga, Enoch see Enoch Olinga
One Common Faith. 2005, prepared under the supervision of The UHJ, reviews
passages from the writings of Baha'u'llah & the scriptures of other faiths
against a backdrop of the "accelerating breakdown in social order".
92 pages Code: UEB-20168 $6.75
Open Door, The. BPT revised 1979, quotations from the Bahá'í Scriptures on life
after death,
11 pages Code: UEB-20213 $3.75
Paris Talks, Addresses Given by Abdu'l-Bahá in 1911. Baha'i Pub. 2006,
2 vols 284 pages, Code: UEB-201319 $16.00
Peace. a compilation, Compilation of Compilations
114 pages, Code: UEB-202413 $7.75
Pearls of Bounty: Selections from the Prayers,Tablets, and Talks of
Abdu'l-Bahá, Bahá'í Publishing2021.
2 vols 143 pages, Code: UEB-202116 $10.25
Portals to Freedom. H. C. Ives, BPT 1970, a Unitarian minister meets
Abdu'l-Bahá in 1912 America,
3 vols. 353 pages, Code: UEB-20186 $20.25
Power of the Covenant as Invested in The Guardianship & The Universal House of Justice. A talk followed by questions & answers by Ali Nakhjavani;
Bahá'í Publications Australia 2006,
80 pages, Code: UEB-20133 $6.25
Power of Prayer, The. Eleanor Hutchens, BPT 1975,
15 pages, Code: UEB-20212 $3.75
Pamela Brode, Bahá'í Pub. 2006, 270 pages, Raising 2 children with
disabilities & loss of her own eyesight she expierenced hardships in her
personal life. Pamela Brode discovered the power of prayer and created this
collection of true stories answering "What is Prayer? Does it really work and
how do we know when prayers are answered?"
4 vols., 526 pages, Code: UEB-20182 $28.75
Prayer: A Bahá'í Approach; Wm & Madeline Hellaby, GR Pub 1985,
2 vols. 199 pages Code: UEB-202326 $12.25
Prayer and Devotional Life: Compilation of Extracts from Writings of
Bahá'u'lláh, the Báb, and Abdu'l-Bahá and the letters of Shoghi Effendi
and the Universal House of Justice; Research Dept of the UHJ, BP 2019
72 pages, Code: UEB-20197 $6.00
Prayer: A Bahá'í Approach, Wm & Madeline Hellaby, GR 1985.
2 vols. 200 pages Code: UEB-202326 $12.25
Prayers and Meditations of Bahá'u'lláh: Bahá'u'lláh , BPT 1969
3 vols., 435 pages, Code: UEB-20141 $23.50
Preparing for Christ's New Name. A. Gottdank, Naturegraph Pub. 2004,
Raised in a Jewish family, later became Christian, then accepts Bahá'u'lláh
when shown Scriptural evidence by a Bahá'í friend.
2 vols. 151 pages, Code: UEB-201725 $9.00
Priceless Pearl, The; Ruhiyyih Rabbani, BPT-UK 1969, biographical treatment
of the life of Shoghi Effendi, Guardian of the Bahá'í Faith.
10 vols., 1158 pages, Code: UEB-201723 $63.00
Prince of Martyrs, The: A Brief Account of the Imam Husayn.
A.-Q. Faizi, G. Ronald Pub. 1977,
87 pages Code: UEB-201724 $6.50
Promise of World Peace, The: To The Peoples of the World.
A Statement of the Universal House of Justice, 1985,
39 pages Code: UEB-20132 $4.50
Promised Day Is Come, The. Shoghi Effendi, BPT 1961
3 volumes, 317 pages UEB-20151 $18.75
Promulgation of Universal Peace: Talks Delivered by Abdu'l-Bahá
during His Visit to the U.S. & Canada in 1912. Compiled by Howard
MacNutt, BPT 2007, A compilation of 139 talks and extemporaneous
discourses given by Abdu'l-Bahá on the fundamental principles of the
revelation & teachings of Bahá'u'lláh
11 vols., 1271 pages, Code: UEB-201517 $69.00
Prophecy Fulfilled. (pamphlet), Elizabeth Cheney, BPT 972,
26 pages, Code: UEB-201326 $4.25
Prophet's Daughter: The Life & Legacy of Bahiyyih Khanum, Outstanding
Heroine of the Bahá'í Faith. Janet Khan, Bahá'í Pub. 2005,
5 vols, 659 pages, Code: UEB-20173 $35.50
Prosperity of Humankind, The. Bahá'í International Community,
48 pages Code: UEB-20218 $5.00
Purpose of Physical Reality, The: The Kingdom of Names.
John S. Hatcher, BPT 1987,
3 vols. 337 pages, Code: UEB-201416 $19.50
Racial healing in the Bahá'í community. Gary Matthews,
25 braille pages, Code UEB-202312, $4.00
Reality of Man, The: Excerpts from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh & Abdu'l-
BPT 2005, 141 pp, Code: AB-5023 $8.75
Reflections on the First Century of the Formative Age (UHJ Letter:
28 November 2023 to Baha'is of the World)
96 pages Code: UEB-202332 $7.00
Release the Sun. Wm. Sears, Bahá'í Pub. 2003, story of The Báb, Prophet-
Herald of the Bahá'í Faith, and the extraordinary time in which He lived,
4 volumes, 458 pages, Code: UEB-20176 $26.00
Renewal of Civilization. David Hofman, revised 1994, an introduction to the
Bahá'í Faith,
2 vols. 200 pages, Code: AB-80 $12.50
Revelation & Social Reality: Learning to Translate What Is Written into
Reality. Paul Lample, Palabra Publications 2009; reference notes separately
contained in vols. 6 & 7
8 vols, 742 pages, Code: UEB-201343 $43.25
Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh: Volume 1, Baghdad 1853-63. Adib Taherzadeh,
G. Ronald Pub. 1974, volume 1 of 4 ; a discussion of the history and contents
of the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh during the early years of the Bahá'í Faith,
6 vols, 740 pages, Code: UEB-201516 $40.50
Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh: Volume 2, Adrianople 1863-68. Adib Taherzadeh,
G. Ronald Pub . 1977, volume 2 of 4; a discussion of the history and contents
of the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh during the early years of the Bahá'í Faith,
8 vols, 976 pages, Code: UEB-20161 $52.50
Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh: Volume 3, Akka, The Early Years 1868-77.
Adib Taherzadeh, G. Ronald Pub. 1983, volume 3 of 4; a discussion of the
history and contents of the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh during the early years of the
Bahá'í Faith,
8 vols, 998 pages, Code: UEB-20163 $53.50
Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh: Volume 4, Mazra'ih & Bahji 1877-92.
Adib Taherzadeh, G. Ronald Pub . 1987, volume 4 of 4; a discussion of the
history and contents of the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh during the early years of the
Bahá'í Faith,
7 vols, 967 pages, Code: UEB-201611 $50.75
Ruhi Institute Book #1, Reflections on the Life of the Spirit. 4.1.1PE
2020 edition
107 pages, UEB-202013 $4.00
Ruhi Institute Book #2, Arising to Serve, 2.1.1.PE 2020
2 vols, 188 pages; Code: UEB-202022 $5.00
Ruhi Institute Book #3, Teaching Children’s Classes-Grade 1,
2.2.1.PE September 2021
3 vols. 344 pages, Code: UEB-20222 $5.00
Ruhi Institute Book #3a, Teaching Children’s Classes-Grade 2 (Lessons).
Copyright 2003
3 vols. 339 pages, Code: AB-4029A $5.00
Ruhi Institute Book #3a, Teaching Children’s Classes-Grade 2 (Songbook).
Copyright 2003
116 pages, Code: AB-4029B $4.00
Ruhi Institute Book #4, The Twin Manifestations. Edition: 2.1.1.PE
December 2021
2 vols, 238 papges, Code: UEB-202117 $6.00
Ruhi Institute Book #5: Releasing the Powers of Junior Youth.
edition: 2.1.1.PE
3 vols, 359 pages Code: UEB-20225 $6.00
Iinitial Impulse- First Branch Course for Book 5 Unit 1
70 pages, Code: UEB-20204 $6.00
Second Branch Course of Book 5 -Unit 2
61 pages, Code: UEB 20206 $5.50
Ruhi Institute Book #6: Teaching the Cause. Edition: 2.1.1.PE April 2023
3 vols. 322 pages, UEB-202317 $6.00
Ruhi Institute Book #7, Walking Together on a Path of Service.
Published 2009, New Edition: 2.1.1.PE February 2024
4 vols., , Code: UEB-20247 in process
Ruhi Institute Book #8, The Covenant of Baha'u'llah Pre-Publication edition
Unit 1 - The Center of His Covenant & His Will & Testament.
2 vols., 270 pages, Code: UEB 201513A $4.50
Unit 2 - The Guardian of the Faith.
2 vols., 268 pages, Code: UEB-201513B $4.50
Unit 3 - The Universal House of Justice. Version 1.4.1.PP Sept 2016
3 vols., 296 pages Code: UEB-201513C $6.00
Ruhi Institute Book #9, Gaining an Historical Perspective
Unit 1 - The Eternal Covenant. 1.2.1.PP 2017
2 vols., 201 pages Code: UEB-202424 $4.50
Unit 2 - Passage to Maturity
2 vols., 155 pages Code: UEB-201811 $4.50
Unit 3 - A Sacred Enterprise
1 vol., 110 pages Code: UEB-201912 $4.50
Ruhi Institute Book #10, Building Vibrant Communities
Unit 1 -Accompanying One Another on the Path of Service.
2 vols., 229 pages Code: UEB-20166A $4.50
Unit 2 - Consultation.
1 vol., 117 pages Code: UEB-20166B $4.50
Unit 3 - Dynamics of Service on an Area Teaching Committee.
2 vols., 210 pages Code: UEB-20166C $4.50
Ruhi Institute Book #11, Material Means
Unit 1 - Giving: The Spiritual Basis of Prosperity
1 vol. 61 pages Code: UEB-201913 $4.50
Unit 2 -The Institution of the Fund
1 vol. 100 pages Code: UEB-20203 $4.50
Unit 3 - The Law of Huququ'llah
2 vols. 154 pages Code: UEB-202320 $4.50
Ruhi Institute Book #12, Family and the Community
Unit 1 (12.1) - The Institution of Marriage
1 vol. 106 pages Code: UEB-20211 $4.50
Unit 2 (12.2) - An Expanded Conversation on the
Education of Children Version 1.1.1.PP 2023
3 vols. 297 pages Code: UEB-202326 $4.50
Ruhi Institute Book #13, Engaging in Social Action
Unit 1 - Stirrings at the Grass Roots
1 vol. 129 pages Code: UEB-20201 $4.50
Unit 2 - Engaging in Social Action
2 vols. 162 pages Code: UEB-202014 $4.50
Ruhi Institute Book #14, Participating in Public Discourse
Unit 1 - Nature of Our Contributions
2 vols. 145 pages Code: UEB-20211 $4.50
Science of Religion, The. Wm S. Hatcher, Canada--Bahá'í Studies, Vol. No. 2,
Sept. 1977,
2 vols. 177 pages, Code: UEB-20174 $11.75
SCRIBE'S PROMISE, THE; Jennifer Pollard, Baha'i Pub. , a scribe living in the city of Shíráz, is a Christian Armenian, and his best friend, Rahma, is a Muslim
farmer who lives next door. When Rahma hears of the Báb’s message of love,
unity, and equality he asks Kapriel to promise that he will accompany him on a
pilgrimage to see the Báb. The ensuing journey tests both men to their limits
and transforms them both physically and spiritually.
5 vols. 571 pages, Code: UEB-20245 $29.00
Second Branch Course of Book 5-Unit 2: See Ruhi Book 5
Secret of Divine Civilization. Abdu'l-Bahá, BPT 1970,
2 vols. 196 pages, Code: UEB-201315 $12.50
Seeking Faith: Is Religion Really What You Think It Is?. Nate Rutstein,
Bahá'í Pub. 2002,
2 volumes 237 pages, Code: UEB-20222 $14.00
Selected Writings of Bahá'u'lláh. Bahá'u'lláh,
73 pp, Code: AB-82 $6.00
Selections from the Writings of Abdu'l-Bahá. BPT 1997,
now contains reference numbers,
5 volumes 607 pages, Code: UEB-201325 $33.50
Selections from the Writings of The Báb. The Báb, BPT 2006,
4 vols., 368 pages, Code: UEB-201317 $22.25
Seven Valleys and Four Valleys. Bahá'u'lláh,
This publication is no longer available and is replaced by:
Call of the Divine Beloved: Selected Mystical Works of Bahá'u'lláh
Social Action: A Compilation Prepared by the Research Dept. of the
Universal House of Justice; August 2020
3 vols., 273 pages, Code: UEB 2020-18 $17.00
Some Answered Questions. Abdu'l-Bahá, BWC-Haifa, 2014 newly revised
5 vols., 566 pages, Code: UEB-201510 $31.75
Steadfastness in the Covenant: Responding to Tests & Tribulations,
Abdu'l-Missagh Ghadirian, Geo. Ronald Pub 2014
5 vols., 584 pages Code: UEB 20233 $32.50
Still Reflections: Stories of the Heart ..., Steven Fletcher, Gentle Place
Publishing a large number of inspiring, uplifting short stories
4 vols 443 pages Code: UEB-20243 $25.25
Stories of Bahá'u'lláh. compiled A. Furutan, G. Ronald Pub. 1986,
2 vols. 168 pages, Code: UEB-201814 $11.25
Stories from the Delight of Hearts, Memoirs of Haji Mirza Haydar Ali.
Kalimat Press 1980,
2 vols., 265 pages, Code: UEB-201321 LIBRARY ONLY
Study Of Bahá'u'lláh's Tablet to the Christians (Lawh-i-Aqdas).
Michael W. Sours, One World Publications, 1990. Considered one of
Baha'u'llah's most significant letters it presents penetrating and inspiring
messages to the sincere seeker. This verse by verse study provides valuable
information on both Baha'i theology & many important Christian questions.
4 vols., 408 pages, Code: UEB-201514 $24.50
Summons of the Lord of Hosts, The. Baha'u'llah, BWC 2002
4 vols., 403 pages, Code: UEB-201320 $23.75
Sunshine Tree and Other Tales from Around the World. Wendy Heller,
delightful stories for all ages - children and adults
79 pages, Code: UEB-20154 $6.25
Tabernacle of Unity, The: Baha'u'llah's Response to Manikchi Sahib & Other Writings. Bahá'u'lláh, BWC 2006,
83 pages, Code: UEB-201314 $6.50
Tablet of the Holy Mariner: A Guide to Bahá'u'lláh's Mystical Writing in the
Sufi Tradition. Michael Sours, Kalimat 2002, This is a guide to Bahá'u'lláh's
well-known mystical work. In poetic & dramatic form Bahá'u'lláh describes
each soul's spiritual journey to God as a voyage on the Ark of eternity guided
by the holy Mariner.
3 vols. 242 pages, Code: UEB-20159 Library only
Tablet to the Christians - See: Study of Bahá'u'lláh's Tablet to the
Christians Tablets of Abdul-Bahá - Vol. 1, Bahá'í Publishing Committee
1909. First of three volumes - a collection of tablets of Abdu'l-Baha to early
believers in America.
3 vols. 384 pages, Code: UEB-201722 $21.75
Tablets of Abdul-Baha - Vol. 2, Bahá'í Publishing Committee 1915. Second of
three volumes - a collection of tablets of Abdu'l-Bahá to early believers in
3 vols. 387 pages, Code: UEB-202019 $21.75
Tablets of Abdul-Baha - Vol. 3, Bahá'í Publishing Committee 1915. Third of
three volumes - a collection of tablets of Abdu'l-Bahá to early believers in
3 vols. 391 pages, Code: UEB-202020 $21.75
Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh Revealed After the Kitáb-i-Aqdas. BPT 1988
4 vols. 454 pp, Code: UEB-201419 $25.75
Tablets of the Divine Plan. Abdu'l-Baha, BPT 1993,
2 vols. 169 pages, Code: UEB-201815 $11.25
Táhirih. Golden Crown Series, NSA of South & West Africa great for children's
66 pages, Code: UEB-201329 $5.75
Thief in the Night: The Case of the Missing Millenium. Wm. Sears, G. Ronald
Pub. 1990, A personal journey of discovery of the Bahá'í Faith through biblical
5 vols. 557 pages, Code: UEB-20184 $31.25
Thinking About Numbers, DL Publiciones 2019, Workbook for junior youth at
entry level age 11 or 15
92 pages UEB 20208 $6.75
This Decisive Hour: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the North American
Bahá'ís, 1932-1946, BPT
5 vols. 514 pages Code: UEB-202328 $30.00
To Move the World: Louis Gregory and the Adancement of Race Unity in
American, BPT 1982, Gayle Morrison
10 vols 943 pages Code: UEB-202418 $54.50
To the World's Religious Leaders. statement of the UHJ, April 2002
21 pages, Code: UEB-20137 $4.00
Towards World Order - Acuto 2004. Ali Nakhjavani, Casa Editrice Baha'i 2005,
six presentations given at a week long course in Acuto, Italy, discussions about
Greater & Lesser Peace, the Guardianship and the UHJ, the role of the
American Bahá'í Community, and other topics,
2 vols. 244 pages Code: UEB-20172 $14.00
Translation of French Footnotes of the Dawn-Breakers. Emily McBride
Perigord, BPT
2 vols 214 pages Code: UEB-202411 $13.00
Traveler's Narrative, A: Written to Illustrate the Episode of the Báb. translated by E. G. Browne, BPT 1980,
2 vols. 204 pages, Code: UEB-20171 $12.75
Turning Point: Selected Messages of the UHJ & Supplimentary Material
1996-2006, Palabras Pub. 2006
898 pages 9 volumes Code: UEB-202330 $51.00
Twenty-five Years of the Guardianship. Ruhiyyih Khanum, BP Committee
43 pages, Code: UEB-20227 $4.75
Two Wings of A Bird: The Equality of Women & Men.
A statement of the NSA of the USA,
19 pages, Code: UEB-202021 $3.80
Understanding Biblical Prophecy: Preparing for
a Baha'i/Christian Dialogue-Vol. 3; Michael Sours, Oneworld 1997,
Examining Biblical prophecy from Christian and Baha'i perspectives.
5 vols, 483 pages Code: UEB-202313 $28.50
Understanding Christian Beliefs: Preparing for a Bahá'í/Christian Dialogue- Vol 2;
Michael Sours, Oneworld 1997. Examining Christian beliefs and the Bahá'í
understanding of them.
3 vols, 321 pages Code: UEB-202315 $19.00
Understanding Biblical Evidence: Preparing for
a Bahá'í/Christian Dialogue - Vol. 1; Michael Sours, Oneworld 1997.
Presenting Biblical evidence to Christians and understanding their viewpoint.
3 volumes, 361 pages Code: UEB-202314 $20.50
Understanding Death: The Most Important Event in Your Life. John Hatcher,
Bahá'í Pub. 2009, a personal exploration of mortality and death,
5 volumes, 563 pages, Code: UEB-20185, $31.50
Universal House of Justice, The: A Compilation Prepared by the
Research Dept. of the UHJ, February 2021; BPT 2021
2 vols. 236 pages code: UEB-202118 $9.25
Universal House of Justice - Letters & Messages
Letter: Dec 29, 2015 to CBC Conf. & Jan 2, 2015 to the Baha'is of
the World
code: UEB-20162 $3.00
Letter: Advancing World Peace
code: UEB-20192 $3.00
Letter: Final Year FYP in Light of Pandemic May 9, 2020
code: UEB-202011 $3.00
Letter: UHJ to the Continental Boards of Counsellors Dec. 30, 2021,
see The Nine Year Plan 2022-2031 above
51 pages, code: UEB-202120 $3.50
Ridvan Message 2017 code: UEB-201716 $3.00
Ridvan Message 2018 code: UEB-201810 $3.00
Ridvan Message 2019 code: UEB-20196 $3.00
Ridvan Message 2020 code: UEB-202012 $3.00
Ridvan Message 2021 code: UEB-202113 $3.00
Ridvan Message 2022 code: UEB-20222 $3.00
Ridvan Message 2023 code: UEB-202316 $3.00
Letter: 20 March 2023 to the US NSA Code: UEB-202316 $3.00
Letter: 28 November 2023 to Baha'is of the World
96 pages Code: UEB-202332 $7.00
Universal Peace. (NTC pamphlet) 9 pages, Code: AB-928 $3.75
Unto Him Shall We Return, Selections from the Bahá'í Writings on the
Reality & Immortality of the Human Soul.
compiled by H. Motlagh, BPT 1985,
2 vols. 187 pages, Code: UEB-202213 $12.00
Vignettes from the Life of Abdu'l-Bahá, Annamarie Honnold, GR-1982
A unique collection of stories, sayings and comments provding an insight into
the life of Abdu'l-Bahá.
4 vols. 358 pages Code: UEB-202323 $22.00
Vision of Race Unity, The: America's Most Challenging Issue. A statement by
the NSA of the US
22 pp, Code: UEB-202311 $4.00
Walking the Straight Path. Bádi Foundation, Development Learning Press
2002, study workbook for 12-13 year olds,
89 pages, Code: UEB-201411 $5.00
Wayfarer’s Guide to Bringing the Sacred Home, A. J. Sheppherd, 2002,
Exploring the importance of bringing spiritual values to everyday living.
3 vols., 259 pages Code: UEB-20224 $18.00
What Is Race?. BPT 1967,
28 pages, Code: AB-5020 $4.25
Wellspring of Guidance: Messages from the Universal House
of Justice 1963-1968. BPT 1969,
2 vols. 238 pages, Code: UEB-20223 $14.25
Wellspring of Joy, Development Learning Press 2019, workbook for
junior youth at entry level age 11 or 12
76 pages, UEB-2019-16 $6.00
When the Moon Set Over Haifa, A. D. Allen, BP 2021, a recounting of the
experiences of several Western believers who were in Haifa at the time of
Abdu'l-Bahá's passing.
4 vols. 415 pages, code: UEB-2021-17 $24.25
Who Is Writing the Future?, Reflections on the 20th Century.
Bahá'í International Community 1999, 31 pages, Code: AB-7007 $4.25
Will and Testament of Abdu'l-Bahá.
48 pages, Code: UEB-20139 $5.00
Wine of Astonishment. Wm. Sears, G. Ronald Publisher, Revised Edition 2008,
explanation of the Bahá'í understanding of the Christian doctrines of Baptism,
the Trinity, Heaven & Hell, Miracles, Resurrection and more.
3 vols, 301 pages, Code: UEB-201337 $18.25
Winning Spiritual Battles, Nathan Rutstein, BPT India 1989, Living portrayals of
experiences of spiritual battles.
2 vols. 218 pages Code: UEB-202325 $13.50
Without Syllable or Sound, The World’s Sacred Scripture
in the Bahá’í Faith. Michael Sours, Kalimat Press 2000. An examination
of Bahá'í teachings concerning sacred books & scriptures of five world faiths-
Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. Also explanations of
of the symbolic meaning and mystical significance of key terms.
5 vols. 427 pages Code: UEB-202422 Library only
Women. Compilation from The Compilation of Compilations, Bahá'í Publications
Australia January 1986 Revised 1990
110 pages, Code: UEB-20147 $7.50
World Order, Spring/Summer 1980. articles: Keeping Faith in Iran- editorial;
Christianity, A.D. 138; The Deification of Jesus; Remembering the Master;
2 vols., 147 pages, Code: UEB-20229 $10.50
World Order of Bahá'u'lláh. Shoghi Effendi, BPT 1991,
4 vols., 487 pages, Code: UEB-201816 $27.00
World Peace and World Government, From Vision to Reality. J. Tyson,
GR 1986
2 vols., 185 pages, Code: UEB-20226 $13.00
World Without War, A: Abdu'l-Bahá and the Discourse for Global Peace,
Hoda Mahmoudi & Janet Khan, B Pub 2020, A clear & accessible exposition
of the Bahá'í concept of peace.
4 vols., 448 pages Code: UEB: 20231 $16.50
Writing of a Will and Testament, The. Office of the Treasurer, 2020.
Principles and guidance on writing a Will and testament.
1 vol. 55 pages, Code: UEB-202015 $5.25
Children – Youth
Ali's Dream: The Story of Bahá'u'lláh. John Hatcher, G. Ronald Pub., 1980,
grades 5-8, Scenes from Bahá'í history are woven into the story of Ali's search
for the meaning of his dream,
5 vols. 475 pages, Code: UEB-201718 $28.00
Amazing Stories from the Dawn-Breakers. BPT-India 2011, Jacqueline
Hehrabi, stories from the Dawn-Breakers simplied and adapted for young
readers, ages 9-12,
2 vols 132 pages Code: UEB-201346 $10.00
B.J. and the Language of the Woodland. Alvin N. Deibert, Bellwood Press
1983, BJ sets out to learn the languages of the other animals, but friends
suggest she invent a language all can speak, grades 1-3
51 pages, Code: UEB-201511 $5.25
Boy In Akká, A. BPT-India 2010, Jacqueline Mehrabi, ages 9-12, this is a
mystery story about a young Turkish boy living in Akká in the nineteenth
century who discovers a wonderful & true secret. He follows clue after clue &
has many tests but never gives up.
2 volume 130 pages, Code: UEB-201345 $9.75
Children's Stories from "The Dawn-Breakers". Zoe Meyer, BPT 1955,
113 pages, Code: UEB-201521 $7.50
Clara Dunn. Melannie Lotfali, Bahá'í Publishing Australia 2006, A brief
introduction to the life of Clara Dunn, ages 5-6
8 pages, Code: UEB-201821 $3.25
Clementine and the Cage. Kalimat Press, 1980 ages 4-6,
7 pages, Code: UEB-202214 Library only
Companions of the Crimson Ark. Shirin Sabri, G. Ronald 2016, stories about
early believers during the time of Bahá'u'lláh
153 pages, 2 vols., Code: UEB-201719 $10.75
Companions of the Crimson Ark (Book 2): Valiant Horsement of the
Merciful. Shirin Sabri, G. Ronald 2018, stories about early believers during
the time of Baha'u'llah.
157 pages, 2 vols., Code: UEB-201819 $10.75
Core Curriculum Series (children's stories):
Central Figures-Bahá’u’lláh – Vol 1.
2 vols. 1 pages, Code: UEB-201328 $10.25
Central Figures-Bahá’u’lláh – Vol 2.
2 vols., 225 pages, Code: UEB-202210 $13.50
Central Figures- Bahá'u'lláh - Vol 3.
3 vols., 264 pages, Code UEB-202211, $18.00
Corinne True. Melanie Lotfali, Bahá'í Publications Australia 2006, ages 5-6,
a brief introduction to the life of Corrine True
8 pages Code: UEB-201822 $3.25
Diamond in the Darkness, A. children's story, grades K-2
Grade 1 braille: 21 pages, Code: UEB-201830A $4.00
Grade 2 braille: 17 pages, Code: UEB-201830B $4.00
Diamonds in the Rough, Jenina S. Lepard, Bellwood Press, 2009; Fifteen-
year old Grant has decided to hold a weekly gathering for his friends &
peers. Each week they learn about some of the early heroes of the Baha'i
Faith: William Sears, Dorothy Baker, Martha Root, Louis Gregory, Fred
Mortensen and more.
2 vols., 250 pages, Code: UEB-201831 $14.50
Does God Hear My Prayer?. A. Gold, Six Lights Paths Pub. 2005, ages 2 & up,
beautiful poetic explanation of prayer,
8 pages, Code: UEB-201823 $3.25
Dragons of Rizvania. Carol Handy, G. Ronald Pub., Dragons are ravaging the
land, and it is up to Prince Khan to deal with them. In overcoming the dragons,
he learns about the qualities needed in a truce citizen of Rizvania. grades 4-6
71 pages, Code: UEB-201512 $6.00
God And His Messengers. David Hofman, BPT rev. 1973. grades 1-2
71 pages Code: UEB-201910 $6.00
God's Paintbrush. Sandy E. Sasso, Jewish Lights 2004, thru their experiences
& Imagination children find God in their lives, approved by Christian & Jewish
religious leaders, 4 years old & up,
26 pages, Code: UEB-201818 $4.00
Healing Hasan's Heart, John S. Hatcher, BP 2015, A coming of age story that
finds 13 year-old Hasan dealing with a tragic event and exploring his own
identity and place in the world. Deals with the principles of the Faith, spiritual
education, sanctity of marriage and the nature of God.
3 vols., 347 pages, Code: UEB-2018229 $20.00
Kyle Jeffries, Pilgrim, Gail Radley, Bellwood Press 2010, Kyle, happy to
have been chosen for the All-Stars baseball team, must choose between an
important game and a long-planned pilgrimage to the Holy Land with his
94 pages, Code: UEB-20194 $7.00
Light World, The. Heather Niderost, Bahá'í Canada Pub. 1990, the accidental
death of her 10 year-old son inspired her to write a book explaining death and
the nature of the soul as expressed thru her son from the next world, grade 2
and up (great for adults too),
34 pages, Code: UEB-201422 $4.50
Lilly & Peggy. R. Tomanio, G. Ronald Pub. 1997, 9-year-old Lilly learns about
the love of God thru the death of her dog Peggy,
17 pages, Code: UEB-20199 $3.75
Martha Root, Crowned Heart Series Book 1. M. Lotfali, Bahá'í Publications
Australia, for young children,
5 pages, Code: UEB-20152 $3.25
Mulla Husayn, Gold Crowns Series. Lowell Johnson, 1982 NSA of So. & West
Africa great for children's classes
74 pages, Code: UEB-201332 $6.00
My Name is Nabíl. Wendy Heller, Kalimat Press 1981,
15 pp, Code: AB-908 Library only
Prayers for Children. BPT-UK,
15 pages, Code: UEB-201825 $3.75
Quddus. Golden Crown Series, NSA South & West Africa,
great for children's classes,
64 pages, Code: UEB-201330 $5.75
Refuge and the Cave. A. Weinberg, BPT-UK, 1982, recommended for 3rd
grade & up, a novel--children travel thru time from cave men to the future;
2 vols., 169 pages, Code: UEB-201424 $11.50
Scottish Visitors, The. Kalimat Press, ages 4-6
Grade 2 braille 8 pp., Code: AB-2015 Library only,
Grade 1 braille 10 pp., Code: UEB-202310 Library only
Second Birth. 12 pp, Code: AB-911 $3.50
Secret in the Garden. ages 5-7
11 pages Code: UEB: 20239 $3.50
Secret of the Stolen Mandolin. Barbara Larkin, , 4th grade level, children travel
to another world to help talking frogs,
2 vols 213 pages Code: UEB-201812 $13.00
Special Strengths. Gail Radley, Bellwood Press 1984, Showing-off & landing in
a pickle, coping with peer pressure, understanding what it means to adopt &
be adopted and finding out what being a loner really means. Four stories with
these themes that lead to the discovery of special strenghts.
56 pages, Code: UEB-201421 $5.25
Spotlessly Leopard. W. Barnum Newman, Bellwood Press 1983, children
grades 1-3,
30 pages, Code: UEB-201420 $4.25
Stories for Children. J. Mehrabi, for very young children,
28 pages, Code: UEB-201826 $4.25
Stories of the Greatest Holy Leaf. J. Mehrabi, for young children,
47 pages, Code: UEB-20153 $5.00
Sunshine Tree and Other Tales from Around the World. Wendy Heller,
delightful stories for all ages - children and adults
79 pages, Code: UEB-20154 $6.25
Táhirih. Golden Crown Series, NSA of South & West Africa great for
children's classes,
66 pages, Code: UEB-201329 $5.75
Top of the Hill. M. Taylor, Naturegraph 1987, Red Feather learns the true
meaning of death from great-grandfather and a vision quest, 4+ grade, 70 pages, Code: UEB-20238 $6.00
Valiant Horsemen of the Merciful- Shirin Sabri
See above: Companions of the Crimson Ark Book 2
Where Does God Live?. A. Gold & M. Perlman, Skylight Paths Pub. 2001,
ages 2 & up, explaining God's presence is everywhere
8 pages, Code: UEB-201824 $3.50
Spanish Braille (grade 1 only):
La Misión de Bahá'u'lláh, Recopilación de Escritos,
95 pages., B-8002 $7.00
Palabras De Dios, contains numerous prayers and several quotations from
The Hidden Words.
41 pages, B-7002 $4.75